Gifts From Friends


With the holiday season upon us we’re meditating on what it means to both give and receive.

There are so many ways we can show, declare and celebrate love and connection - to both others and ourselves: Time spent, love letters, gift giving..

Gift giving has a rich and diverse history. Depending on our respective cultures, backgrounds and beliefs, these seasons take place across varied times of the year and to celebrate a myriad of occasions.

For many, December is a time to come together with family (chosen or biological), friends and loved ones, to exchange symbols and gestures of love. Whether you gift in time, love notes, shared experience or small physical tokens this year, we hope the season affords you time to spend with those you love and yourself, and pleasant memories.

And since, for many, it is the season — below we have decided to share with you, a few self-practice oriented gift ideas we’ve conjured, with hopes to direct you to the practices and products that belong to the makers among our incredible community. Each and everyday we are given the opportunity to vote with our dollar. This time of year is crucial for so many small business owners and creatives. How we choose to spend our money matters a great deal, every day, but especially during this season. Supporting small, female, queer and minority owned practices and businesses will always be a priority for Self Practice, and I hope, you too.

Below are but a few products that are a result of the hard work, courage and creative dedication of the brands and people we love. You’ll of course, find some SP in there, too - because I truly believe that there’s no better, nor pertinent time to focus on the self.

Whilst celebration is the theme of the season - the holidays can also be a very hard time for lots of us. Feelings of loss, nostalgia or overwhelm can take over and its easy to feel isolated when our schedules get busy and we compare our situations and ourselves, to that of others. I will be taking to my Workbook, to ground the minute these feelings arise - and I implore you, to lean into those feelings too, when and only when, you are ready. Please know that these pages are designed to support you. You are never alone.

Whether you celebrate the holidays, or not, participate in gifting or not, we hope you find the list below informative. useful, or simply inspiring.

With love,

Lauren. x


26 - 11 - 19