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Ritual & Mindfulness.


A self-led online workshop to cultivate mindfulness from the practice of personalised rituals.

Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.
— Hermann Hesse

A ritual can add a sense of structure, calm and ceremony to our days.

They can be the difference between an ordinary day and an extraordinary day.

By engaging with personalised mindfulness rituals, we can link our internal and external worlds, and begin to carefully tend to our ever-evolving needs, creating a sense of calm in an increasingly busy world.


This Online Workshop —

  • Aids you in cultivating and creating rituals that are unique to your own needs

  • Fosters a better understanding of your relationship with your mindfulness practices

  • Provides you with tools to use what you already have on hand

  • Encourages you to cultivate deeper awareness for your surroundings

  • Looks to elevate your every-day experiences

  • Includes a number of practical and reflective exercises that centre the notion and practice of mindfulness


This Online Workshop is for those who / are —

  • Wanting to create a moment of pause and calm for themselves

  • Looking to develop a deeper connection with their mindfulness practices

  • Find they benefit from creating small and accessible moments of structure

  • Eager to explore their relationship with the ritual aids and objects of sentiment they already possess

  • Looking to expand their preconceived notions of rituals and mindfulness practices

This Online Workshop is both an invitation and opportunity for you to invest in yourself and cultivate accessible, mindfulness practices that are personal to your values and needs.

The Investment —

Ritual & Mindfulness
One time
For 2 months