An Accessible Grounding Practice



1. Lay or sit down somewhere comfortable

2. Close your eyes

3. Breathe deep into your belly

4. Hold your breath

5. Release it

6. Repeat a deep inhale, hold then exhale

7. Repeat it, again

8. Draw your attention to your feet

9. Visualise your feet growing roots

10. Visualise those roots slowly growing

11. Visualise those roots sinking into the ground beneath you

12. Visualise the roots pulling you under the earths surface

14. What do you feel? What do you see? What do you hear?

15. Draw your attention to the crown of your head

16. Visualise a whole forming at the top of your head

17. Allow all the thoughts, worries, noise to slowly drift up and out of that hole

18. Let them seep up and out of you

19. Continue to breath beneath the surface for as long as you need.

20. Slowly open your eyes when you are ready

19 - 03 - 20

MindfulnessLauren Trend