Journal Prompts for the New Year


A few days into the new year, as the energy starts to settle and the pressure of the calendar and clock subsides — carve out some time to sit with our New Year specific journal prompts and questions. You'll be so glad you did!


1. What feelings arise at the turn of a new year?

2. What are you proud of?

3. What experiences were you robbed of in 2021?

4. What did the year as a whole teach you?

5. How do you want to feel coming into this next chapter?

6. Where do you hope to be this time next year?

7. What do you want more of in 2022?

8. What do you want less of in 2022?

9. What steps can you take away / toward the above?

10. What does the next week look like? Make a 7 day plan.

Take to pen & paper.

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