Lockdown Journal Prompts


As the world continues to navigate the ever unfolding COVID=10 Pandemic, many of us remain in and out of lockdown.

If you’re like us, it’s feeling like groundhog day. Days blur into nights, weeks blur into months and somehow it’s the latter half of 2021 and we’re wondering where all that time has gone, at the same time struggling to remember life pre-pandemic.

Below are our trusty list of Lockdown Journal Prompts. Save them, use them. And please don’t underestimate the power of putting pen to paper as a mindfulness practice. We promise you’ll feel better for it.

1. How do you feel today / in this moment?

2. What anxiety / panic is arising?

3. What can you take into this experience from last time?

4. Where do you go to feel safe? Physically / emotionally?

5. What is the most challenging part of re-entering lockdown?

6. What do you have to be grateful for, within this context?

7. Who is supporting you? Physically / emotionally?

8. What practices can you turn to when stressed / anxious?

9. Where do you need to give yourself some room to breathe?

10. What does the next week look like? Make a 7 day plan.

Take to pen and paper. 

19 - 07 - 21

InsightsLauren Trend