People: Abigail O'Neill
Abigail, photographed by Trevor King
Name: Hi I’m Abigail O’Neill, Australian Model, lifelong Natural Health and Beauty enthusiast, Author of Model Chocolate. I’m the Mother of 3 grown up children, 29, 27, 24, and a new Grand Mother! My little grand baby is just two and a half months old, and it is truly the most miraculous feeling to be entering this next dimension of my life. For me now, there’s a feeling of metamorphosis going on in so many ways.
Location: I live near beautiful Byron Bay, Australia. In what’s called the ‘Hinterland’, the densely treed outskirts, with flowing waterfalls, winding roads through macadamia farms, the cutest roadside produce stalls, local markets, world class restaurant's, coffee, artists and creatives, and a vast array of salt-of-the-earth people who make up the core roots of this region, and surrounding shires. It’s been thirty plus years since I moved here and began growing a family. I was mostly self taught, there was no internet, but I devoured health books, and experimented, learning the art of making sourdough bread, growing vegetables, sprouting, juicing, making seed cheeses and raw cacao chocolate, and most importantly, teaching my young family that nature is their ultimate healer and restorer.
Occupation / Business / Creative Outlet: My occupation more recently, modelling (IMG Models) means I now travel a lot for work, leaving the Byron Hinterland to experience city sights and sounds, working with highly creative and visionary people. I’ve always loved creating too, over my life of being a stay at home mother I expressed this part of myself through homemaking, gardening and 100% from scratch whole foods preparations. We’ve lived such a simple lifestyle here, surfing, riding horses, exploring rainforests, mostly pre-internet, what a dream it’s been. It didn’t just happen out of the blue, we worked really really hard, on a single income when our children were young until more recently, living in sheds to save, to build, driving old ‘bomb’ cars that regularly broke down, the 'Aussie Battler’ is a term we can relate to. Things don’t have to happen overnight, but built upon love, and investing in the things that matter and make this world a better place, it has been my experience that, dreams can come true!
First thing you did this morning? First thing in the morning I love to make myself a tall warm lemon/lime and ginger/turmeric water, using the skins too to aid detoxification. In summertime it would be a hydrating alkalising infusion from the garden. I hydrate, pray, journal, take a few breaths. If I’m home then I'm immediately preparing breakfasts and packing lunches very early for my hubby and son, before they go off to work! They work hard, it’s been my labour of love for over 30 years now to do this for my husband, get him off to a healthy strong start! I’ll often drink something green after this, either a green powder formulation mixed into water, or green juice if I have time to cold press, followed by a delicious hot elixir, like dandelion coffee pimped with medicinal mushrooms, MCT oil, cacao, turmeric, matcha, organic coffee or herbal tea. I also love to enjoy my long time hydrotherapy rituals of hot and cold x 3 when I have time, usually after a brisk walk and Earthing. When I’m rushing to an airport I simply cold plunge or shower to revitalise, tone, uplift and give myself an extra energy burst!
What does 'well-being' mean to you? Wellbeing to me is to so completely sync my life and lifestyle with nature, so that my body, soul, spirit feel intertwined. One of my long time mantras: ‘We are nature too’. I’ve always believed that my body, given the right environment is capable as nature is, of restoring it self to a state of equilibrium, vibrant health and beauty, that is wellness. I remember as a girl, loving nature so much that if I’d see a tree that had a ‘cut’ I would feel inclined to mix some mud and paint it onto the tree. I know we must be careful, but I love to trust that intuition. When I’m unwell, I look for ways to sync up with that magical life-force and healing that is all around me. Living in the country surrounded by nature has definitely contributed to that strong sense of autonomy which I posses. My life has not been without inflammation, pain and illness. I’ve learned so much from these teachers too! It might seem cliche but I love to see all things as able to teach me something.
Currently reading? My bookshelf is loaded with health books I’ve loved gleaning through over the years. There’s a wealth of knowledge in the culmination of them all with authors like Paavo Airola, Jensen, Jethro Kloss, Sayer Ji, Gabriel Cousins, David Wolfe, more recently Barbara O’Neill, who’s also my sister in law. Some of these may be considered controversial, and I certainly don’t advocate all they say. I love considering the latest information or health trend, but also placing that alongside my lifelong experience of managing my own health and wellness, and that of my young family over so many years, naturally. Currently I’m reading Superhuman by Dave Asprey. He’s also controversial at times, that’s okay, I’m mature enough to gather the nuanced information relevant to my life. To be rigid in one’s health journey, I’ve found, is not the path to true success. Some wisdom essential to human growth has been on the fringes, and that has been noted throughout all of human history. I loved reading about the Hunza peoples, the Blue Zones, I love learning about culture, and diets, different lifestyles, it’s all relevant and interesting! Human experience and the sharing of that is so important. May that never be stifled. We need all the stories! Every perspective matters!
Currently browsing (.com)? Love browsing The Chalkboard Mag, an inspirational healthy site by Suzanne Hall, actually it’s time I wrote something fresh for her! My piece on my practice of enjoying Sunbathing and Raw Chocolate.
A resource / piece of writing you'd like to share with us? A read by my daughter, Searlait O’Neill
Three items in your wallet / bag? I always carry an organic cold pressed face oil that I either make or am gifted or buy! Ones I make myself I always add different kinds of essential oils of frankincense, myrrh, and rose.
Most commonly used apps on your phone? Probably Instagram at the moment. I did have a website, it contained a wealth of information which in time I’ll relaunch, but for now this is my main space of sharing.
Products found in your shower/by your bath? I only ever use 100% organic cold pressed oils on my face and body. I use them to cleanse, to nourish, I formulate my own beauty products, or look for ones that match this gold standard. I’ve also shared lots of tips under #AbisBeautyBible on Instagram, to discover. I can count the facials I’ve experienced on one hand, and I’ve never had any kind of interventions whatsoever. It’s not my path - I hope as I continue to be endowed with days to live, to with kindness embrace all the life-lines that may come my way! Hopefully they’ll be the happy kind. I use a lot of salt, you’ll see my 'Salt Glow’ obsessions which were inspired by Jethro Kloss book, Back to Eden, so easy! I’ve done this since in my teens, leaves you feeling all brand new! A 50/50 mix of plain sea salt and Epsom salts, this can be used at shower time, simply to exfoliate the entire body, tingles all over! So good. Another one of my big favourites is my bi-carb wraps I make - simply mix bi-carbonate of soda with water, only just enough to make a thick paste. Once a week, I smooth this glorious mixture over my body to make an uplifting, energising, lightly exfoliating wrap. It really must be experienced to be believed. I do this for the benefits it has on my mood, also a deep cleanse for my skin that also balances my skin ph. Again, always be gentle with new things, see how you and your skin resonate with this, I have so much feedback from women worldwide saying how much they love these simple practices and how much they’ve changed their lives and approach to natural beauty.
Three things that can always be found in your kitchen cupboard? Ceremonial cacao, amongst other bulk items from the whole foods store like goji berries, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grain flours, quality cold pressed oils, olives, always all organic. I spent most of my life vegan, with the occasional exception of lovingly raised organic eggs. Some of those years I was entirely raw vegan in my quest for excellent health. I’d have sprouting trays all lined up on the verandah and make wheatgrass shots before taking the kids surfing, turmeric ginger lemon shots, seed cheeses would be happening, sprouted breads. I’ve played with so much experimentation and learned a lot through those years where you couldn’t buy sauerkraut and you had to make everything from scratch. It was very uncool to drink carrot juice back then, and take the path less travelled, but that was us!
Favourite kitchen utensil? I have a cooking spoon that was my mothers and I still remember her using it to serve delicious meals. I keep it in my flour drum so that when I bake sourdough I can scoop the flour from the drum to the bowl. It never needs washing because it stays dry, it’s not getting too much wear and tear and I can enjoy it and the memories it represents often! I also love my trusty blender and food processor, and am always on the lookout for a mug to repurpose from second hand stores!
Favourite travel destination? Madeira. My Portuguese mothers homeland. She came to Australia when she was 17. Her love has empowered me with all that I am. I also am hoping to perhaps travel to London, Paris, see Europe this year for Fashion Week, if that opens to me. I’ve yet to experience New York. Most of my life has been spent in very rural parts of Australia so I’m open to more travel experiences which take me to cities, with my work going forward. Coming home after work to the Hinterland to my family and lifestyle is always so precious too!
Favourite form of movement/exercise? Walking serves me so well as my go-to for movement and wellbeing. I mean it’s not too strenuous so no matter what’s going on I can get it done, incorporate a walk into my busy lifestyle very easily and with so many benefits! That said, I’m being drawn to taking up yoga for flexibility and even considering a few weights to add into the regime, you know as we live longer, the body only keeps and maintains what is useful! So I want to encourage my body to see muscle mass as useful and the maintenance of flexible joints, and strong bones too!
Nighttime rituals & practices? At night I run around the house dimming lights, lighting candles, warm nourishing food to share, encouraging family fireside moments, practicing gratitude by the fire, deep breaths, bathing, writing and reading, herbal tea, stretching. In Summer when the days are long, I love to be in my garden until right before dinner needs to be prepared, bringing in fresh greens and making the evening meal a thing of beauty for my family to enjoy. Technology can certainly invade the moments I consider as ‘Sacred’. Even for me, it’s such a juggle these days with work, social life and family, plus all the things I carry to continue working on my property and nurturing my organic lifestyle. I rise very early between 5am and 6, I am mostly in bed before nine, but here I sit typing this interview at 5.28am with my dandelion coffee because that’s the only time I’m able to make it happen at the moment! The juggle is real, yes even for Abigail O’Neill. Thing is, I’m aware of blue light being like junk food for my mitochondria so the screen is dimmed and set to a black background if I absolutely must use it in my ’Sacred’ time! I love to be here present, with the wider community, sharing inspiration and sometimes this is what it takes. When I finish writing this morning before everyone wakes up, I will take a few moments to breathe, connect with the Source of all Life and Beauty, and prioritise a little extra sunshine/Earthing somehow today!
One thing you'd like to incorporate into your day/week that you're currently yet to? Yoga is that thing for sure! More alone time somehow! "I restore myself when I am alone.” Is a quote I resonate with. I love to serve, and spend all my waking moments connecting with others, but in doing this, I must spend as much time in nature and somehow a few extra fully completely alone, in order to have my creative vision and inspiration to give restored.
A secret? Scorpios never tell. Ha! This coming full moon I have a group of my gorgeous girlfriends, some of whom I work with regularly, coming to join me in my home spa for a beautiful full moon experience. They’ll be pampered in the steam room and freezing (this time of year) plunge pool x 3 for an invigorating hydrotherapy session, under the first Supermoon of the year, followed by my divinely spiced Ceremonial Cacao beverage and raw chocolate from my book Model Chocolate, afterwards. We’ll spend some time by the fire, manifesting one another’s wildest dreams, and basking in the uplifting healing that is the blessing of Sisterhood.
Someone you look up to? I greatly admire people that help create change in the world from a natural health perspective. It has been my lifelong experience that as we invest our resources and time into healing, upbuilding, nourishing and beautifying ourselves naturally, we also are healing and loving our precious Earth. Caring for our bodies, our families, our homes naturally, creates more natural industry. I’ve seen so much change since my early teens when I first became passionate about living the way I do, until now, turning 50 next year, but there is still so much to do! I’d love to encourage more connection to local community, shopping at farmers markets, buying organic produce, finding bulk produce and nature aligned beauty and home products at health food stores. Opting to wear organic clothing, or at the least 100% natural fibres, so that the skin - our largest organ can breathe. Lots of little things make up the whole! Once you start down the path of looking for ways to synchronise with Nature, Earth, it just keeps going and to the benefit of all.
Something you're proud of? My daughter! She’s a writer, new mother, less publicly vocal natural health advocate, she’s always teaching me something, I’m so blessed to call her - and all of my children - my friends, it’s just the coolest thing.
I feel most creatively fulfilled when… Nature nurtures my creativity like no other! When I can enjoy a few hours alone in my garden, swimming, taking time in the sunshine, grounding, working with my bees, I find myself ready to outpour again, serve my family, give to my friends, create delicious meals, even compose inspirational words or imagery to uplift others online.
I'm currently working on… I’m always working on my organic lifestyle. It takes a lot of energy to maintain (along with my wonderful man) my 4.3 acres, keep bees, also keep my family nourished and well. When I’m not flying into a city for work, I’m always working on this, it’s been a live close-to-Earth journey for over three decades now! Somewhere in the juggle of all of this, I’d love to launch a super-potent, 100% natural beauty range or another book - focused on more of my beauty secrets. Maybe some little intimate women’s retreats one day, when I’m less busy, aha if ever that is. I’m kind of doing it a bit in my home spa with all the connections that come share my space here too.
This time last year, I wish I knew… I’ve been journeying through the dreaded peri-menopause, and now on the cusp of the official menopause…I wish I knew last year at the beginning of all that, how strong I could be, but I had to journey through it all to find out. Again, like my many health ailments and experiences that have gone before and taught me, and this is not advice it’s just my own personal perspective, in my opinion nature knows the way! This is a huge topic, but some of the main things that continue to help balance my hormones are wild yam cream, sunshine, nutrition with extra good fats and proteins, movement even if only walking daily, an absolute must, and keeping up my usual life long love of hydrotherapy. I also have to raise my vibration when stressful moments come my way! I feel, breathe, pray, let them go.
I'm grateful for… I am just so truly grateful to be here right now, in my work, my circle of friends, my amazing family, my vision to grow a brand that can continue to uplift others naturally, somehow. Every day, what a blessing it is to be alive, to give, to connect with each other, with nature, and most deeply, to love. My darling Maria Grace (my Portuguese mother) you taught me the best things in life, they are not things. Remember to love your self, dear reader, be kind to you, to believe, natural healing is real, it can be real for you, you are beautiful, you are more powerful than you know, you were created for a purpose. You are nature too. Sending so much love with this interview, the highest of vibrations. Let’s continue to be the change, as only we each can.
Connect with Abigail @abigailoneill