People: Natasha Mead




Natasha Mead

Occupation/Business/Creative Outlet: Graphic Designer/Creative Director

Star Sign: Pisces

Favourite Number: 12

First thing you did this morning? Drank a large pot of tea and tried not to look at my phone.

What does 'wellness' mean to you? Staying connected.

Products found in your shower/by your bath? Cetaphil, Sasawashi paper scrub towel.

Three things that can always be found in your kitchen cupboard? Block of butter in its ceramic dish, loaf of sourdough, coffee beans.

Favourite kitchen utensil? Sōri Yanagi teaspoo

Favourite Travel destination? Japan

Currently reading? Just started Exhalation by Ted Chiang

Currently browsing (.com)? eBay

Favourite breakfast food? Peanut butter on toast with a cup of coffee.

Three items in your wallet / bag? Only room for but keys, cards and phone — it's a very small bag.

An album/mix that calms your nervous system? Aldous Harding's Designer.

An album/mix that hypes you up? Khruangbin's Con Todo El Mundo

Most commonly used apps on your phone? Audible, Instagram, Weather, Messenger.

Favourite form of movement/exercise? Yin yoga or swimming.

One thing you'd like to incorporate into your day/week that you're currently yet to? Meditating

Nighttime rituals?
Communal house dinner, then just lie in bed and talk with my partner.

I feel most creatively fulfilled when... I can get out of my inbox for a whole day, and completely immerse myself in a project.

I'm currently working on... Quite a few upcoming branding projects.

This time last year, I wish I knew...
my incredible tailor, who I take everything I wear to.

I'm grateful for... Being surrounded by all the people I love, getting to do work I care about.

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