Wake Up With: Tiana Combes


Wake Up With is a series devoted to the morning practices of our creative peers.

Today, we bring you greater insight into the morning rituals and routines of jewellery designer, Tiana Combes.


Describe your sleeping space.

A spacious, firm bed and very few objects. Taupe.

What time do you wake up?

I have a daily alarm set for 6:27, but often pause it until 7:30 or 8AM. I love the feeling of falling back asleep.

The first thing you do upon waking?

A basal body temperature reading.

What do you need to get a good night's sleep?

Nothing can inhibit me from sleeping through the night, but sometimes I'll have to work on grounding myself to turn off my mind before bed.

Your AM Skincare / Self Care Routine?

I rinse my face with water and apply a few drops of jojoba oil, then brush my hair back.

Morning beverages you can’t go without?

Fresh lemon water, celery juice, then decaffeinated coffee with maca and cashew milk.

A typical breakfast might look like?

A variation on a sprouted toast, lately with avocado and something fermented.

On an average day you’ll…

Run at least one errand and spend most of the day on the computer. Randomly go on a run in the middle of the day.

On a more productive day you’ll…

Exercise first thing, make all three meals at home, let go of all obligations in the evening and have time for rest.

When you’re exhausted, you’ll…

Stay in all day, mostly on the couch.

You start work around what time?

At different, and multiple, times every day—whenever I'm in the mood. I've learned to go with my intuition on this, even when I have productive energy at 11PM, which is often.

What’s on your morning to-do list on an average day?

Taking care of myself, physically and mentally— lots of water, movement, and space to get in touch with and process my thoughts.

If your ideal morning had a soundtrack? (A song, mix, or album)

None, only because it's non-negotiable for me to keep my head totally clear for the first few hours of the day.

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